Gail Reilly
Owner / Artist
this is where we write something poetic & magical about me. really I'm just a person who loves to tattoo and create art. I have an infinite love for all things cats, strive to keep things light hearted, and continue to explore this new adventure in business owner life. i'm constantly adding new plants and masks to the collection at the shop. let's see if you can spot a new one next time you're in...
How long have you been an artist for?
I have been creating since I was a child. One of my earliest memories with artwork was drawing aaallll over my childhood home. My parents weren't too happy that I was drawing on the walls, but my Dad did get butcher paper and put it up so that they wouldn't have to deal with it again. BOY WERE THEY WRONG. I drew in books, I drew on the sidewalks (with chaulk of course), I drew on myself, my siblings.. Nothing was safe if there were a pen or pencil in around.
How long have you been tattooing?
This is always a tough question to answer, because I never felt like there was a finish line that I crossed, and offically that is "When" ya know? I first set needle to skin in 2012 if that helps in terms of time with a machine in my hand.
What do you like to tattoo?
Mandalas, filigree, & animals to name a few subjects... but overall, I enjoy the use of organic and geometric mashups. Currently my work is focusing on larger designs that contour the body part. Utilizing texture and color gradients have become more important to me over the years for maximum visual interest.
What other types of media do you pursue?
I tend to lean towards working with watercolor, but have been exploring epoxy art & other multi-media projects as of late. You can find a few special pieces created at the shop.